POLL – Is the tour too big?

World number six Shaun Murphy caused plenty of debate yesterday when he claimed the snooker tour was too big and needed changing.

The former world champion suggested a new system should be in place where the current tour of 128 players would be cut in half into separate tours – the main snooker tour and a challenge tour.

Shaun Murphy. Picture by Monique Limbos

Shaun Murphy. Picture by Monique Limbos

The top 64 players in the world rankings would play on the main tour and the remaining players would play in the challenge tour looking to gain promotion onto the main tour.

Murphy suggested at the end of the season the top 16 players of the challenge tour would earn promotion and the bottom 16 of the main tour would then drop down to the challenge tour for the following season.

But what do you think?

Is the current tour of 128 players too big? Does it need to be reduced so, as Murphy claimed, the main tour is more aspirational to those outside the main tour?

Vote here – the poll will be open all day (until 11pm) so there is plenty of time to vote.


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